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Hello! My name is Bill Shancey and I am excited to present to you my math solutions website. Now you can get in-depth solutions to math problems AND insight from math professionals on our blog who want to exchange ideas with you. I will have a newsletter report every Monday and you will be able to access the blog 24/7 for only $5/month with one month free when you pay the first month. Happy learning and see you soon!!
July 1
July 7
Today I would like to address the issue of repetition. Many students erroneously think they have a concept understood without doing a lot of repetition. Repetition uses muscle memory to further imbed knowledge into our brains. Furthermore, repetition offers protection against being over stressed on a test and blanking. You see here at ShantzWorld we are just as concerned with emotional health as we are with your Math education! Just a reminder that our blog page is offering a free month with your initial payment of $5. Stay tuned for more important tips each week at ShantzWorld!!
Today's discussion will be about concepts. If you are not given the information to fully understand a topic it will be extremely difficult to succeed to the best of your ability. For instance why study logarithms? Well, that's when you have an exponent that is the variable in your equation. so to solve it, we need to find the reciprocal which becomes our logarithm, log(base 10) or ln(base e). We will go into greater detail on exponential or logarithmic equations using graphs to aid in our discussions. Stay tuned for next week's post!!